Organizational identity – the corporate identity for the future

Digital organizational identities

As a result of the planned eIDAS revisions, EU member states probably will be required to provide each legal person with an Organizational Identity Wallet called EUDI wallet legal person (or ODI wallet). This wallet will hold verifiable

credentials called (Qualified) Electronic Attribute Attestations ((Q)EAA’s) which are issued by (Q)EAA providers to the respective legal entity, such as Person Identification Data legal person (an organizational identity card), a trade register extract, bank card, vLEI and others.

The ODI wallet represents a legal entity and is able to establish a secure connection with the ODI wallets of business partners (suppliers, customers, etc.). These connections are required to exchange verifiable credentials between the participants, enabling the business partners to verify the data and transfer it to their internal IT systems.

The following video from our partner DB Systel explains how ODI Wallets will improve and automate master data management and supplier onboarding:

Pilot operation

The pilot operation aims to demonstrate how specific use cases based on legal person identities can be implemented on the IDunion shared identity infrastructure. In pilot operation, no real company data will be used and transactions will only take place on the IDunion test network. It is open to any organization and is designed to identify challenges involved in practical application, and to gather valuable feedback from all stakeholders.

Participating companies will get an understanding of how ODI wallets can improve and automate their organizational digital identities use cases.

Join us to learn how your use case can be improved and how the exchange of digital credentials will empower you to meet future challenges.

Roles in the IDunion pilot operation

In the pilot operation, an organization can assume four different roles. It is possible for an organization to take on only one or several of the following roles:

ODI wallet providers

ODI wallet providers make their software application available to other organizations to generate, verify and securely manage digital credentials. Through the wallet provided, organizations can securely interact with other participants' wallets.

Issuers of Person Identification Data (PID) legal entity credentials

Today’s Trust Service Providers (TSP) and future QEAA Providers that provide PID legal person on behalf of member states have a special role within the pilot operation. By issuing a PID legal person credentials, they confirm the digital organizational identity of that company.

Issuers of verifiable credentials ((Q)EAA Providers)

Organizations such as banks, public authorities or institutions act as issuers. They issue verifiable credentials which are relevant for organizational identity use cases.

Holders/Relying Parties of verifiable credentials

All organizations that own an ODI wallet will assume both the role of a holder and that of a Relying Party, as they present and verify credentials to each other.

Participation in the pilot operation

If you would also like to participate in the pilot with your organization, we recommend carrying out the following steps:

For an organization to be able to store verifiable credentials and to exchange them with other organizations, an ODI-wallet is an indispensable prerequisite. For the pilot operation you can either operate an ODI Wallet yourself (based on existing open source or own software), or you can use the free ODI wallet hosting service offered by several organizations.

Please contact one of the below providers to get further information on the solutions they offer.

ODI-Wallet Hosting ProviderContact
Robert Bosch GmbH (Business Partner Agent)
neosfer GmbH (Lissi Agent)

When applying for an ODI wallet (step 1) the ODI wallet hosting provider will send you an invitation link to the IDunion endorser service. The endorser service allows you to register your organization on the IDunion test network and to subsequently activate your ODI wallet. For the activation you need a Public DID and the corresponding VerKey which you will also receive from your ODI wallet hosting provider under step 1.
(More information on Public DIDs and VerKEy can be found in the FAQs).

Before we can exchange verifiable credentials between connected ODI wallets, we need to be sure that an ODI wallet really belongs to the organisation we think we are connected to. This problem is solved by exchanging the PID legal person credential, which is issued by a Trust Service Provider (TSP).

How a TSP verifies your corporate identity and issues a PID legal person credential varies from TSP to TSP. Currently you can contact the following providers:




Once you got the PID legal entity credential from your TSP, you can populate your ODI wallet with more credentials. The process varies depending on which certificate you would like to have issued. The exact process description can be found at the respective provider of a verifiable credential. The following list gives an overview of the current issuer providers participating in the pilot operation including contact information.

fino GroupBank accountIDunion IBAN Verification (
Bundesanzeiger VerlagCommercial register

Now that you have received one or several verifiable credentials you can present them, by means of your ODI wallet, to your business partners or request a verifiable credential yourself. To establish a connection to the wallet of your business partner you have to enter the public DID of the respective partner in the search function of your wallet. The public DIDs of all organizations taking part in the pilot operation are listed in the Discovery Service.

Once the connection has been established and accepted, your wallet saves the existing connection, and you can start to exchange verifiable credentials at your discretion.

DID-Discovery Service

Name of legal entitiyPublic:DIDContact (e-mail)
mm1 Consulting
Deutsche Bahn
SBB – Schweizerische Bundesbahnen
Robert Bosch
msg mySaveID


The pilot operation aims to demonstrate how specific use cases based on corporate identities can be implemented on the IDunion test network. The pilot operation is open to any organization and is designed to identify challenges involved in practical application, and to gather valuable feedback from all stakeholders.

No, the pilot operation is solely designed for test purposes. All data used are test data which are being processed on the test network of IDunion.

ODI stands for Organizational Digital Identity. An ODI wallet is a wallet software for legal entities and represents a stand-alone legal body.

Public DIDs are unique decentral identifiers (DIDs) which are publicly available through the identity network. The are needed to establish connections to other wallets.

The VerKey is a public key for which verifications are required.

A Trust Service Provider is an organization which is listed in the EU Trusted List and meets specific requirements (e.g. verified as per eIDAS and applicable standards). They assume a vital role in the pilot operation as they confirm the digital identity of other organizations.

Contact form

Would you like more information about the use of ODI Wallets, about the pilot operation or about IDunion SCE? Then please fill in the following fields so that we can contact you.