
Summary of the work of the IDunion research project

To mark the entry into force of the eIDAS Regulation 2.0 in May 2024, the Blockchain Berlin news platform has published a comprehensive review of the IDunion research project’s work over the past three years.

Concepts for Wallet security in SSI

In IDunion we develop concepts for wallet security with verifiable credentials. In this paper you will learn about the trhee pillars of wallet security, the attestation process and trust model, and much more.

Verifiable product information for the digital product passport

In IDunion we looked into digital product passports and developed a case study based on a battery-powered screwdriver. It demonstrates how a combination of SSI technologies and existing standards are used to meet the requirements for the digital product passport.

IDunion announces successful establishment of European cooperative

IDunion, the consortium created as part of the “Secure Digital Identities Showcase” funding project, has reached the next stage in building a productive, cross-border ecosystem by founding a European cooperative with limited liability (Sociedad Cooperativa Europea, or SCE for short).
Picture: Founding meeting of the IDunion SCE on 20.07.2022

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